
ProjectXeno offers everything project. Math, Science, Social Studies, English...WHATEVER. Each subject has its own unique sidebar with its own unique design. Of course, this is just the start of it all, but me and my bud are workin' on it all. But, click around and check it out. Do whatcha feel. Hope it helps.


~`~February 18, 2009~`~

    This is day one of the project by Jelli and I..Akita. It  shall be a math project of doom, because I don't like math and neither does Jelli (MATH = EVIL). So, we'll see how this goes. But, daily updates will be posted here on the main. There will be hyperlinks to guide you around the site that we're working on right now. For instance....there will be a different link for each Subject (Math, Science, English and so on) and with it, tips, examples and helpful sites which we take no credit for.

~`~ February 19, 2009 ~`~

  Today is going a little better. We've added two more pages and the site continues to grow. We're actually doing good for our first try. The site still looks a little crappy but it'll have to do until we get more experience. I like doing this though. It's cool. Jelli and I are adding games and stuffs now so you can have some fun after working your brains with our hard math problems and loads of examples. Oh, and if you ever wanna chat, check us out at the contact, or use the chat page. We'll be on mostly everyday if we can!

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